
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Role of AI and ML in Advancing Cardiovascular Health

  Artificial Intelligence   (AI) and   Machine Learning   (ML) , two of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century, have steadily permeated numerous industries, particularly healthcare. The   confluence   of these advanced computational technologies with healthcare has begun to redefine traditional medical practices, offering unparalleled opportunities to improve   patient care   and   health outcomes . One of the most prominent areas where AI and ML have demonstrated significant potential is   cardiovascular health , a critical domain that concerns millions of individuals worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases   remain among the leading causes of mortality globally, thus warranting innovative and effective approaches to enhance prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. Herein lies the promise of AI and ML. By leveraging these technologies, we can create sophisticated models that can analyze vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and generate predictive insights, al

10-Point Investor Checklist by Brian C Jensen

Your business needs to be primed for potential investors. Most investors don’t have the luxury or patience to spend much time understanding your business and its worth. This is why Brian C Jensen will synthesize the important checklists for your business to pass the test of viability. Business language and protocols dictate that you get to the point fast and remain factual on all accounts. Brian C Jensen will quickly run through the 10-point investor checklist to demonstrate the required persona with you. Let’s see how many you tick! 5 Business Points by   Brian C Jensen 1.    Your Past Performance To see where you are headed, you must reflect on where you started. And how far you got. If you want to impress investors, you need to show your financial performance and how it broke records. Remember that investors want to see the Return On Investment (ROI) that backs up your projections. Some key metrics that’d help them evaluate your business are its revenue growth, monthly recurring rev

How To Write A Grant Proposal By Brian C Jensen

  Are you looking to secure grant funding for your business or organization? Writing a grant proposal can seem like an intimidating task. However, with the right guidance and know-how, you can have a well-crafted proposal ready for submission in no time! In this blog post, Brian C Jensen covers the fundamental steps needed to create a successful grant proposal and gives best practices from professionals who have crafted hundreds of winning proposals. Read on to learn more about how to write an effective grant proposal that will help your business or organization secure the funds it needs. Brian C Jensen ’s Tips For Writing A Grant Proposal 1. Research & Plan: Before you start writing a grant proposal, it’s essential, as per Brian C Jensen, to conduct thorough research and planning. Research your target audience to understand their needs, interests, and any funding they may already have available. Also, consider the specific requirements of the granting organization(s) and plan how

Brian C Jensen Shares Signs Your Business Isn’t Ready for Investment

  Brian C Jensen understands the importance of financiers and investment to your business. You cannot grow to reach more volume or expand operations unless you can procure investment. Post-pandemic and inflation have made it hard for companies to remain afloat without   financial support . But, there are times when seeking investment can be counter-productive to your overall business goals.   Brian C Jensen   will discuss the seven crucial signs that your business isn’t ready for investment. Brian C Jensen ’s Call of Duty for Businesses Seeking Investment You must put a lot of effort into some things to ensure investors’ focus doesn’t waver from you. These are your calls of duty as a business, and you need to go above and beyond to convince your audience. Business Model You need a   business model   and plan ready for execution. You must have developed a comprehensive strategy and fault-proof business plan. Where do you expect to take your company, and how do you plan on doing that? Fr